Journal title : The Korean Journal of Breeding Science
ISSN (print version): 0250-3360
EISSN (electronic version): 2287-5174
DOI Prefix 10.9787
Year of launching : December 29, 1969
Languages : Korean or English
Quarterly publication - The frequency of publication : March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1
Contact Us
* General Office: National Institute of Crop Science, RDA Suin-ro 126, Gwonseon-gu Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
* Editorial Office
> Research paper : E-mail: breededit@breedsubmission.org / Tel +82-41-330-1203
> Breed(Cultivars)paper : E-mail: plantedit@breedsubmission.org / Tel +82-55-350-5506