Korean Journal of Breeding Science :eISSN 2287-5174 / pISSN 0250-3360

Table. 5.

Fresh ear weight of ‘Mighongchal’ in Gangwon regional yield trials for 3 years.

Location Mighongchal(kg/10a)(A) Index(%)
Mibaek2 (kg/10a)(B)
2017 2018 2019 Mean 2017 2018 2019 Mean
Hongcheon 546 545 801 631 93 747 502 790 680
Pyungchang 815 573 1,059 816 93 919 572 1,148 880
Yeongwol 538 824 841 734 89 720 897 868 828
Mean 633 647 900 727 91 795 657 935 796

zStudent's T-test between two cultivars for regional means of three years (**p<0.01, *p<0.05, and nsp≥0.05)

Korean J. Breed. Sci. 2023;55:281-6 https://doi.org/10.9787/KJBS.2023.55.3.281
© 2023 Korean J. Breed. Sci.