Korean Journal of Breeding Science :eISSN 2287-5174 / pISSN 0250-3360

Table. 4.

The mean yield of ‘Yeonheechal’ at RYT.

Location Yield(ton/ha)
Yeonheechal Leebaekchal
2017 2018 2019 Mean Indexz (%) 2017 2018 2019 Mean
Miryang 2.81 3.08 2.43 2.77 102 3.48 2.86 1.79 2.71
Pyeongpaek 1.89 2.43 2.95 2.42 105 1.87 2.29 2.78 2.31
Cheongwon 2.06 2.99 3.31 2.79 100 1.96 3.33 3.03 2.77
Naju 2.41 3.27 - 2.84 111 2.31 2.82 - 2.57
Daegu 2.38 3.18 2.02 2.53 94 3.02 3.10 1.91 2.68
Overall mean 2.31 2.99 2.68 2.67ns 102 2.53 2.88 2.38 2.61
t-valuey 0.23ns

z(Index) Mean yield of Yeonheechal / mean yield of Leebaekchal×100

y ns was non significant, * and ** was significantly different between ‘Yeonheechal’ and ‘Leebaekchal’ at 0.05, 0.01 level of probability by student t-test respectively.

Korean J. Breed. Sci. 2023;55:409-14 https://doi.org/10.9787/KJBS.2023.55.4.409
© 2023 Korean J. Breed. Sci.