Korean Journal of Breeding Science :eISSN 2287-5174 / pISSN 0250-3360

Table. 1.

QTLs associated with yield-related traits identified in the recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between ‘Chamdongin’ (P1) and ‘Younghojinmi’ (P2) during the years 2022-2023.

Traitz QTL name Chr.y Position
Interval-flanking markers LODx PVEw (%) Addv Candidate

left right
HD qHD8_2022 8 5 chr08_2107949 chr08_2479524 12.7 47.8 -2.01 Hd18
qHD8_2023 8 5 chr08_2107949 chr08_2479524 15.7 42.6 -1.31 Hd18
CL qCL1_2022 1 344 KJ01_109 chr01_36649551 17.6 42.1 6.85 SD1
qCL1_2023 1 346 KJ01_109 chr01_36649551 9.2 35.9 4.88 SD1
PL qPL1_2023 1 340 KJ01_109 chr01_36649551 4.6 17.3 0.62 SD1
PN qPN3_2022 3 155 chr03_28852757 chr03_32608218 5.4 24.0 -0.55 OsTB1
qPN3_2023 3 150 chr03_24699522 chr03_28852757 6.0 24.8 -0.75 OsTB1
NS qN3S_2022 3 102 chr03_14288844 chr03_16733441 7.1 13.3 -7.86 GS3
qNS3_2023 3 102 chr03_14288844 chr03_16733441 4.4 12.2 -6.65 GS3
TGW qTGW3_2022 3 102 chr03_14288844 chr03_16733441 26.4 69.1 1.66 GS3
qTGW3_2023 3 103 chr03_16733441 chr03_17092696 20.9 62.3 1.86 GS3
BRR qBRR3_2023 3 103 chr03_16733441 chr03_17092696 6.8 29.7 0.28 GS3
Yield qYield1_2023 1 346 KJ01_109 chr01_36649551 5.7 14.2 1.62 SD1

zHD: heading date, CL: culm length, PL: panicle length, PN: number of panicles per hill, NS: number of spikelets per panicle, TGW: 1,000-grain weight, BRR: brown/rough rice ratio.

yChromosome number, xLogarithm of the odds score, wPhenotypic variation explained by the QTL.

vAdditive effect, add=(P1-P2)/2, the positive value of the additive effect indicates that the allele from Chamdongjin (P1) contributes to an increase in the trait value.

uHd18: Os08g0143400 (chr08:2385537..2389276), SD1: Os01g0883800 (chr01:38382385..38385469), OsTB1: Os03g0706500 (chr03:28428504..28430438), GS3: Os03g0407400 (chr03:16729501..16735109).

Korean J. Breed. Sci. 2024;56:31-51 https://doi.org/10.9787/KJBS.2024.56.1.31
© 2024 Korean J. Breed. Sci.