Direct seeding test using drone of ‘Saebonghwang’ on Jeonju in 2022.
Cultivation method | CL |
PL (cm) |
NP | NS | RRG (%) |
TGW (g) |
Protein content (%) |
Amylose content (%) | Head rice (%) | Yield (MT/ha) |
Wet direct seeding by drone | 70ns | 18.9ns | 267ns | 80ns | 92.2ns | 23.4ns | 5.4 |
18.9 |
84.7ns | 4.49ns |
Ordinary planting | 77 | 18.0 | 284 | 79 | 96.3 | 23.5 | 6.0 | 20.3 | 84.6 | 5.03 |
zCL: culm length, PL: panicle length, NP: number of panicle per 1 m2, NS: number of spikelet per panicle, RRG: Ratio of ripened grain, TGW: 1,000-grain weight of brown rice.
Not significant (ns) in the t-test, while * and ** significant at