Korean Journal of Breeding Science :eISSN 2287-5174 / pISSN 0250-3360

Table. 2.

Agronomics traits of durum wheat germplasm under different nitrogen fertilizations according to three classified groups.

Fertilizer Group SPADz FLy (mm) GAx (mm²) GLw (mm) TGWv (g) PCu (%)
SNt 1 487.0 289.8 18.17 7.54 44.8 18.8
2 546.9 263.4 15.85 6.87 40.2 17.0
3 569.0 270.1 15.45 6.87 37.1 17.0
ns ns ns ns ns ns
NNs 1 558.5 a 312.4 17.35 7.18 52.7 14.5 ab
2 477.8 b 255.3 15.39 6.64 45.2 13.4 a
3 396.8 c 235.1 14.80 6.48 43.0 11.3 b
*** ns ns ns ns ***
Difr 1 71.5 a 22.6 a -0.82 -0.36 ab 7.9 -4.27 ab
2 -69.1 b -8.1 a -0.46 -0.23 a 5.0 -3.64 a
3 -172.1 c -35.0 b -0.64 -0.38 b 5.9 -5.68 b
*** ** ns ** ns ***

zSPAD : SPAD value, yFL : flag leaf length xGA : grain area, wGL : grain length, vTGW : thousand grain weight, uPC : protein content, tSN : standard nitrogen fertilization, sNN : no nitrogen fertilization, rDif : difference values of traits under different fertilization condition, ns : not significantly different at p<0.05, ** : significantly different at p<0.001, *** : significantly different at p<0.0001, Values followed by the same letters within the same fertilizer category are not significantly different at p<0.05. (ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison)

Korean J. Breed. Sci. 2024;56:281-91 https://doi.org/10.9787/KJBS.2024.56.3.281
© 2024 Korean J. Breed. Sci.