Korean Journal of Breeding Science :eISSN 2287-5174 / pISSN 0250-3360

Fig. 2.

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Changes in agricultural traits following introduction of rice planthopper resistance genes. Agricultural traits caused by introduction of Bph3, Bph18, and BPH26 were investigated. When 120 individuals were randomly selected from the F2 plants derived by crossing Jeonju686 and JJ621MR, 9 genotype combinations were analyzed (Bph3 homo+Bph18 none+BPH26 homo, Bph3 homo+Bph18 hetero+BPH26 hetero, Bph3 homo+Bph18 homo+BPH26 hetero, Bph3 hetero+Bph18 homo+BPH26 hetero, Bph3 hetero+Bph18 hetero+BPH26 hetero, Bph3 hetero+Bph18 none+BPH26 homo, Bph3 none+Bph18 none+BPH26 homo, Bph3 none+Bph18 hetero+BPH26 hetero, Bph3 none+Bph18 homo+BPH26 hetero). In plants into which Bph3 was introduced, the number of abortive grains, number of abortive grains on SRBs per panicles increased, and the fertile rate decreased, regardless of the Bph3 genotype (homo or hetero). Different letters over the bars indicate significant differences at p<0.05 (ANOVA followed by DMRT). CL: Culm length, PL: Panicle length, NT: Number of tillers, NS: Number of spikelets, NR: Number of rachis-branches per panicle, NPr: Number of RPBs per panicle, NSPr: Number of spikelets on PRBs per panicle, MNSPr: Mean number of spikelets on a PRB, NSr: Number of SRBs per panicle, NSSr: Number of spikelets on SRBs per panicle, MNSSr: Mean number of spikelets on a SRB, SrPr: Ratio of SRBs to PRBs, SSrSPr: Ratio of spikelets on SRBs to spikelets on PRBs, NA: Number of abortive grains, NAPr: Number of abortive grains on PRBs per panicle, NSSAPr: Number of abortive grains on SRBs per panicle, FR: Fertile rate.
Korean J. Breed. Sci. 2024;56:381-94 https://doi.org/10.9787/KJBS.2024.56.4.381
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