Genetic map showing the LOD scores and locations of QTLs associated with pasting properties adjacent to qLTG3-1 (chr03: 219979..220919), OsSAC3 (chr03:17985619..17998387), OsPK8 (chr03:26526743..26530676), and OsTB1 (chr03:28428504..28430438) in the population of 91 RILs derived from a cross between ‘Chamdongjin’ and ‘Younghojinmi’. A: trough viscosity (TV), B: final viscosity (FV), C: breakdown (BD), D: setback (SB). The red curves represent LOD scores for the total years (2022 and 2023 average). The red horizontal lines and symbols indicate the positions and names of QTLs, respectively.
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