Korean Journal of Breeding Science :eISSN 2287-5174 / pISSN 0250-3360

Table. 3.

Current status of major wheat cultivars developed domestically.

Utilization by consumers Cultivar Year of release Major traits
Noodle Keumkang 1996 White grain, Cold resistance
Joeun 2000 Red grain
Jopum 2001 Red grain
Anbaek 2001 Lodging Tolerance
Jonong 2003 Red grain
Younbeak 2005 White grain, Lodging Tolerance
Dabun 2006 White grain
Jeogjung 2007 Fusarium head blight resistance
Beakjoong 2007 White grain, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, Fusarium head blight resistance
Sugang 2008 Red grain, Cold resistance, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, Lodging Tolerance
Hanbaeg 2008 Cold resistance
Suan 2009 Red grain, Cold resistance, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, Fusarium head blight resistance
Dajung 2010 Red grain, Cold resistance, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance
Hojoong 2012 Red grain, Cold resistance, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, Lodging Tolerance
Jojoong 2014 Red grain, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, Lodging Tolerance
Saekeumkang 2015 Red grain, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, Fusarium head blight resistance
Taejung 2016 Red grain, Lodging Tolerance, Fusarium head blight resistance
Johan 2016 Red grain, Cold resistance, Lodging Tolerance

Bread Jokhung 2004 White grain
Baeggang 2015 White grain, Fusarium head blight resistance
Hwanggeum 2019 Red grain, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance
Neulchan 2021 Red grain

Cookie, Cake Goso 2010 Red grain, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, Lodging Tolerance
Joa 2011 Red grain, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance

Cooking (mixed with rice) Shinmichal 2006 Red grain
Beakchal 2012 White grain, Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, Lodging Tolerance
Brewing Wooju 2020 White grain

Source: National Institute of Crop Science. (https://nics.go.kr/api/spices.do?m=100000128&pageIndex=1&change=&cropsNm=%EB%B0%80&spciesNm=&unbrngYear=&adaptArea=&prpos=&spciesChartr=)

Korean J. Breed. Sci. 2024;56:491-505 https://doi.org/10.9787/KJBS.2024.56.4.491
© 2024 Korean J. Breed. Sci.