Korean Journal of Breeding Science :eISSN 2287-5174 / pISSN 0250-3360

Table. 1.

Characteristics, causal pathogens, and environmental conditions of major wheat diseases.

Disease Causative agent / Virus Damage characteristics Condition for occurrence
Fusarium Head Blight Fusarium graminearum tde heads and grains turn red, resulting in yield reduction and tde production of trichotdecenes toxin. High temperature and humidity conditions.

Leaf Rust Puccinia triticina Orange spores appear on tde leaves. tde disease spreads to grains, reducing grain weight and tde number, leading to a decrease in yield. Low temperatures of 15-20°C and high humidity conditions. especially during tde grain-filling stage in May and tde harvest season in June.

Stem Rust Puccinia graminis f. sp. tirtici Orange spores form on the stems, leading to reduced grain size and lodging, which results in yield loss. High temperature and humidity conditions.

Stripe Rust
(or Yellow Rust)
Puccinia striiformis f. sp. Tritici Orange spores appear in stripe patterns on the leaves, reducing the size and number of grains, which results in yield loss. Low temperatures of 4-7°C and high humidity conditions.

Powdery mildrew Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici White powdery lesions appear on the leaves and stems which results in yield loss. High temperature and humidity conditions. excessive nitrogen fertilization.
occurs especially during the rainy months of April and May, with symptoms worsening throughout the harvest season.
Korean J. Breed. Sci. 2024;56:491-505 https://doi.org/10.9787/KJBS.2024.56.4.491
© 2024 Korean J. Breed. Sci.